
miniature gardens

Many of you may not know that I do miniature gardens (aka fairy gardens)! Miniature gardens are such a great way to get your creative juices flowing, plus, it'll get your hands dirty. ;)
I started doing these about 3 years ago just when miniature gardens were starting to get introduced. I had taken an interest in gardening, but when your mother has a green thumb as big as yours it's hard to plant anything without taking over her space. 
One evening my mom was looking around on Pinterest and one of her friends had pinned a fairy garden idea. My mom got interested and started looking it up and showed me all the neat little gardens. I knew this could be my way of gardening without taking over her space! 
I found an old broken pot (those are the best to use) and started planting sapling from my mom's gardens. (It's an inexpensive way to have perennials without breaking the bank). I always enjoyed making my houses, tables, chairs etc, but they deteriorated after a time, so I did some research and found a garden center that had a lot of miniature items that I could use instead of making my own. 
It took about 2 years before I started to learn which plants do better in certain areas and pots, where and what to buy and what to make in my gardens. I now have 5 miniature gardens and a 6th that I'm working on now. :) Hopefully soon I can post some tips and tricks on how you can start your own fairy gardens. 


  1. Omw I love these so much they're so cute!! Can't wait to see your new one!

  2. These are soooo cute!! I can't wait to see more! :D
    Just Joy
